Sunday 26 October 2008

E v a l u a t i o n . . !

* . . S e l f E v a l u a t i o n . . *

Attainment = 1 (Excellent) . . . The reason for this is because I try to learn as much as I can in my lessons and understand the work.

Effort = 1 (Excellent) . . . This is because I put all my effort in to class work and homework so that I learn more.

Punctuality = 1 (Excellent) . . . As I have a good attendance and I am never late to lessons.

Submission and Quality of Work = 1 (Excellent) . . . This is because I have completed every work I have been set to the best of my ability.

Ability to Work Independently = 1 (Excellent) . . . The reason for this is that I am capable of working on my own but I prefer working in groups.

Quality of Writing = 1 (Excellent) . . . As I am able to write properly such as in paragraphs and I can make my work neat so it is clear to read.

Organisation of Media Folder = 1 (Excellent) . . . This is because I have organised my folders properly e.g. I have separated Mr Bush's Work, Ms Holidays and Ms Sivanasen.

Oral Contribution in Class = 3 (Good/Average) . . . This is because I do not contribute much in class but if I do not understand anything I ask so that I know what I am doing.

WWW . . .
1. So far I understand all the work I have done in lessons and I am not confused about anything.

2. I have organised notes which I can go through for revision purposes or if I do not understand anything as they are neat and clear to read.

3. I understand the introduction to A-Level Media Studies and I am aware of what I will be doing this year.

EBI . . .
1. Keep reading through notes so they stay in my mind and I do not forget them.

2. Contribute more in class and ensure I am taking part as much as I can

3. Complete work set when given rather than leaving it to the end so that I have time to read over notes.

* . . C o u r s e E v a l u a t i o n . . *

How Well is The Course Organised? = 1 (Excellent) . . . This is because the course is organised well so far as I understand everything and it is all clear to me.

How Interesting is The Content That is Covered? = 2 (Very Good) . . . The content covered so far is very interesting but it also gets a bit boring as most of these things we have been through in Year 11 GCSE.

How Useful Are The Handouts? = 3 (Good/Average) . . . We have not had many handouts so far but the ones we have had are a good help towards the course.

Have The Lessons Been Well-Paced? = 3 (Good/Average) . . . I think that the lessons have been well-paced but not as much as they could be. This is because teachers mostly go too fast in lessons and its hard to take notes and understand it at the same time but overall its average.

What is The Standard of The Teachers Presentation/Subject Knowledge? = 1 (Excellent) . . . This is because the teachers already have a knowledge of Media Studies and are aware of how to teach the course which is why the standard is excellent.

How Well Has The Course Met Your Expectation? = 2 (Very Good) . . . The course has met my expectations as it is interesting and fun and there are a lot of sources for help.

Have The Extra-Curricular Events Been Useful? (e.g. Awards Evening) = 1 (Excellent) . . . I think the extra-curricular events have been very useful as the Media Awards allowed us to get many ideas for our own production which is very useful.

Has The Macguffin Blog Been Useful? = 1 (Excellent) . . . The Macguffin Blog has been very useful as we can present our work on the website and also we get a chance to see previous videos of students.

WWW . . .
1. We've had the Media Awards which has helped us gain ideas for our own productions.

2. The Media Macguffin site has been very useful so far as I can look at videos and also do my work neatly on here.

EBI . . .
1. There should be more group work within lessons so we get to learn more and enjoy our lessons.

2. Teachers should slow down whilst teaching slide shows such as giving students a chance to write notes and also understand it.

3. We should be using the computers more so that we can do more research about Media and our productions.

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